We’ve helped dozens of organizations, worked with hundreds of dedicated professionals, and engaged thousands of stakeholders.
Addressing labor migration challenges in African export agriculture
Client: IOM
Geography: Sub-Saharan Africa
Timeframe: 2021 – 3 months
Beyond Respect worked with Ergon Associates, a UK-based human and labor rights company, to inform the International Organization for Migration (IOM) on possible interventions to tackle labor migration challenges in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).
While much is known regarding the vulnerabilities of farmers and agricultural workers in Africa, including poverty, arduous conditions, forced labor, and child labor, scant information is available regarding their migration status and about the efficacy of existing programs and targeted interventions.
Beyond Respect began with an in-depth literature review and desk-based research to understand the current knowledge of the agriculture-migration nexus within the ECOWAS region.
We then coordinated with IOM’s teams to identify and interview local stakeholders within the governments, local NGOs, unions, and farming and business communities.
Through these interviews, we were able to better evaluate the situation of ECOWAS migrants in specific export agriculture value chains, understand the strength and weaknesses of the current programs, and inform IOM about potential focus areas for further programs.
Based on the enhanced understanding of the challenges that migrant workers face in African export agriculture, IOM is better equipped to address their needs in the ECOWAS region, to design and implement interventions, and/or strengthen existing programs.
Sub-Saharan Africa
2021 – 3 months

Engineering and Construction Companies
2016 – ongoing

Strengthening the collaboration to promote construction workers’ rights and welfare
Client: Engineering and Construction Companies
Geography: Global
Timeframe: 2016 – ongoing
Beyond Respect works with the Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) to manage an ambitious group of top engineering and construction companies working together to elevate the standard for workers’ rights and welfare across the industry.
Growing scrutiny from external stakeholders highlighted the challenges construction workers were facing in some parts of the world. In response, a group of engineering and construction companies were interested in exploring how they could work together to further develop and implement responsible business practices in their operations and supply chains.
Beyond Respect conducted the initial research on sector readiness for collaboration and designed its main modalities. Since the launch of Building Responsibly, Beyond Respect acts as the lead of the initiative’s Secretariat, helping companies design ambitious programs and develop practical tools for operational teams to embed workers’ rights and welfare in everything they do.
Better collaboration is crucial for effecting lasting change in construction workers’ conditions. Through Building Responsibly, engineering and construction companies are learning to effectively share both their challenges and best practices. They develop practical tools and support one another in implementing ambitious worker welfare programs. Together, they can engage effectively throughout their entire value chain, from clients to subcontractors and suppliers.
Equipping human resources specialists to contribute to tackling Human Rights challenges
Client: Collaborative initiative
Geography: Global
Timeframe: 2022 – 3 months
Beyond Respect partners with a business driven initiative to deliver targeted in-depth training for human resources specialists so they may contribute effectively to their company’s human rights due diligence programs.
A significant part of a company’s impact on human rights falls directly under the oversight and management of human resources specialists. However, they often have a limited understanding of how their field relates to their company’s human rights due diligence efforts. This limits their contribution to the human rights governance structure and the management processes developed.
Beyond Respect developed an ambitious human rights training program centered on educating human resources specialists on what are human rights, and how their companies demonstrate their responsibility to respect them.
Through an innovative series of exercises, including role-play and other interactive approaches, human resources specialists are able to effectively contribute to their companies’ efforts in the field of human rights, particularly regarding recruitment practices, worker representation, living wages, subcontractor’s conditions, and grievance mechanisms.
Better equipped human resources specialists can contribute effectively to their companie’s human rights due diligence efforts within their dedicated roles. Additionally, they can lend their expertise to other departments to better monitor labor conditions in their companies’ subcontracting and supply chains.
Collaborative initiative
2022 – 3 months